Sanctuary: A pictorial history of Dartington Summer School of Music

Sanctuary: A pictorial history of Dartington Summer School of Music
By Harriet Cunningham.

How a music school and festival became a meeting place for the world’s greatest musicians, in words and pictures.

From The Author:

"I spent every summer from zero to 25 at Dartington Hall with my family. I grew up at the feet of visiting artists. I begged my parents for a violin. I sang in the choir. I fidgeted through concerts. I worked in the kitchens as a teenager, then as an usher, then a trog. I played in the orchestra. I fell in love. I learned how to live. Dartington Summer School made me who I am, as a person, a musician, a critic and a writer. Now I’m telling its story. This book is a labour of love – a collaboration between the Summer School archivist, Jeremy Wilson, and his daughter, me. I’m hoping to direct profits from the book towards funding an ongoing bursary for a young musician to experience the Summer School, just like I did."

To support the project, click here.


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